Woohoooooo! Anyone else excited?!
.....No one? Ah, well, whatever. I am a little sad that I couldn't find a single soul to go on this adventure with me (I'm looking at you, Kevin) but that's alright! Hopefully my success will inspire someone :)
What is the Whole 30, you might ask? (Though I doubt it) Well, it's basically paleo (no grains, no dairy, no soy, no refined sugar) but more strict. Yes, paleo can get more strict. Basically, no "paleo-fying" foods, no added sweeteners (even if they're natural) and some other stuff. Why? Because it's about getting back to your roots and loving whole, unprocessed, natural food. After eating sugar and processed junk for so long, your body doesn't know how to appreciate real food anymore. So, ta da! Whole 30 :)
Well I decided to take my measurements today (and luckily I had some from before I went paleo) to compare to when it's all over. My goals aren't necessarily weight loss (but I'd be alright with that), my goals mostly revolve around gaining a healthy relationship with food, resetting my body and letting it heal, figure out what foods cause problems with my stomach, and gain more appreciation for whole foods!
Before paleo:
weight - 151.4
chest - 37"
waist - 32"
hips - 39"
During paleo/Pre Whole 30:
weight - 144
chest - 36"
waist - 29"
hips - 39" (my booty has grown a bit, haha, which is good!!)
And if you look at it, the BIGGEST change is that huge amount of bloat on my lower stomach in the middle picture. You know what fixed that? CUTTING OUT GRAINS. Yuuuuuup, sorry not sorry. It sucks but it does SO much for your health. I don't really miss grains (or dairy, for that matter) and I've been occasionally indulging in nigiri or sushi with Kev (although I can no longer do that on Whole 30!).
Welp, there it is. Today is Day 1 of my fabulous journey!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Easter Update!
Man oh man... I don't know about you guys, but my family sees Easter as another holiday for great food. And great food there was! But obviously....... not all of it is paleo-friendly. And being around it can be... frustrating.
But I survived! I started by making some paleo cookies to take to my dad's house for his crawfish boil.
Now, if you ask my brother, they were "obviously paleo" but I really couldn't tell. The consistency was more chewy than crunchy, but that's how I like them! I fell in love. I don't make paleo treats often (or really at all, unless I'm taking them to a party) but these are my new go-to.
As for the crawfish boil: I decided to go ahead and indulge. I mean, come on. They're just boiled crawfish. Yes, yes, I checked the seasoning that goes in and it has the potential to be cross contaminated with gluten and soy, but I figured it was worth it.
The next day we headed up to Normangee for the big Easter dinner. I thought I'd make a paleo cheesecake!
..........There's a reason the words "paleo" and "cheesecake" have never been in a sentence before.
I didn't even bother taking a picture of the finished product because it was... disappointing. My step father absolutely loved it so more power to him, but the rest of us respectfully declined seconds.
But I was certainly well-fed while up there!
Other than the obvious choices of meat (which I took advantage of) there were many choices that were paleo-friendly! Tomatoes and okra, green beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage, yummmm. My mom even picked up some gluten-free rolls! Not necessarily paleo (made of potato starch and rice flour) but better than any options up there :)
Kev and I took our Easter pics
(which were hilarious) and headed home to check on the garden. There's something growing in every square, just certain things are growing better than others :)
and finally........ GROCERY SHOPPING! We grabbed stuff for the whole week:
But I survived! I started by making some paleo cookies to take to my dad's house for his crawfish boil.
Now, if you ask my brother, they were "obviously paleo" but I really couldn't tell. The consistency was more chewy than crunchy, but that's how I like them! I fell in love. I don't make paleo treats often (or really at all, unless I'm taking them to a party) but these are my new go-to.
As for the crawfish boil: I decided to go ahead and indulge. I mean, come on. They're just boiled crawfish. Yes, yes, I checked the seasoning that goes in and it has the potential to be cross contaminated with gluten and soy, but I figured it was worth it.
The next day we headed up to Normangee for the big Easter dinner. I thought I'd make a paleo cheesecake!
..........There's a reason the words "paleo" and "cheesecake" have never been in a sentence before.
I didn't even bother taking a picture of the finished product because it was... disappointing. My step father absolutely loved it so more power to him, but the rest of us respectfully declined seconds.
But I was certainly well-fed while up there!
Other than the obvious choices of meat (which I took advantage of) there were many choices that were paleo-friendly! Tomatoes and okra, green beans, brussels sprouts, cabbage, yummmm. My mom even picked up some gluten-free rolls! Not necessarily paleo (made of potato starch and rice flour) but better than any options up there :)
Kev and I took our Easter pics
(which were hilarious) and headed home to check on the garden. There's something growing in every square, just certain things are growing better than others :)
and finally........ GROCERY SHOPPING! We grabbed stuff for the whole week:
- Blackened salmon with mango salsa, and roasted green beans and mushrooms
- Rosemary chicken with brussels and mushrooms
- Olive chicken with asparagus and broccoli
Uhh, yum, right? And for breakfast I'm having my same old of scrambled eggs, pork sausage, avocado, and tomatoes. And I made some new weird salad concoction of romaine, turkey, eggs, raisins, avocado, and tomatoes.
I eat a LOT of avocados.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
TIL: About Hormones
Mmmmmm, good ol' hormones!
No, not those hormones that we were all taught to fear in high school. The hormones that are directly related to your food and your gut! (and by association, your immune system)
I'll try to keep this to a bare minimum because I know that not a lot of you care about this part. But I promise, it's necessary to understand some of this before I move onto the bigger things (like gluten, legumes, and dairy).
First off: Why is this important? Well, the Whole30 (and paleo in general) has four goals, the second of which being "food you eat should produce a healthy hormonal response" (psychological response was last blog entry). We're going to talk about four in particular:
No, not those hormones that we were all taught to fear in high school. The hormones that are directly related to your food and your gut! (and by association, your immune system)
I'll try to keep this to a bare minimum because I know that not a lot of you care about this part. But I promise, it's necessary to understand some of this before I move onto the bigger things (like gluten, legumes, and dairy).
First off: Why is this important? Well, the Whole30 (and paleo in general) has four goals, the second of which being "food you eat should produce a healthy hormonal response" (psychological response was last blog entry). We're going to talk about four in particular:
- Insulin
- Leptin
- Glucagon
- Cortisol
Insulin is a hormone secreted in response to the ingestion of energy, normally carbs. It is basically a "master hormone." Its job is to store macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs). When we eat carbs, they are broken down into simple sugars and leads to a rise in blood sugar. Insulin works to remove glucose out of the bloodstream and move it into storage.
So what can go wrong? When there is too much sugar, the sugar becomes your main source of energy and stored fat doesn't get burned. When your liver and muscle stores are full, the liver converts that extra sugar into saturated fat called "palmitic acid" which can bind and form triglycerides. These two actions together cause increased body fat and increased triglycerides. No bueno!
Leptin is there to help tell your brain how much body fat is stored and regulates energy intake and expenditure. It's trying to maintain "energy balance." Remember, for the majority of our history, humans have had to strive for food. This hormone helped let our bodies know how much fat to hold on to and how much energy we could use to survive.
What can go wrong? When you have excess sugar/glucose and triglycerides in the bloodstream, it impairs your brain's ability to "hear" leptin saying I HAVE ENOUGH FAT, JESUS, I SWEAR I DO. In nicer terms, "leptin resistance" (similar to the idea of insulin resistance).
Keeping up? Good! We're halfway through
Glucagon is the hormone that allows you to access energy you've previously stored. It triggers glycogen in the liver back into glucose and puts it back in the bloodstream for use as energy. Its primary job is to keep blood sugar from getting too low.
What can go wrong? Glucagon can only tell the cells to release the energy if there's not a lot of circulating insulin (when insulin is elevated, it is storing nutrients as fast as possible; energy is more often stored than accessed). So if your body has become insulin resistant, glucagon can't help stabilize blood sugar and access fat for energy. Which means the fat is stored etc blah blah same cycle, different hormone!
Cortisol is the stress hormone. How many of you are familiar? Quite a few, I bet. It's secreted from the adrenal glands to help the body recover from acute "fight or flight" syndrome (shout to psych friends again!). Cortisol has a circadian rhythm that works alongside the day/night cycle. It fires up energy early in the morning to kick off your day and slowly die down throughout the day, preparing you for sleep.
What can go wrong? When your body is stressed all the time, your body is releasing cortisol all the time. Elevated cortisol impairs glucose uptake from the bloodstream and enhances glycogen breakdown in the liver, which leads to high blood sugar. It also inhibits insulin secretion from your pancreas! Which also leads to insulin resistance.
Are we starting to see a cycle?
All of your food choices and lifestyle choices tie into your hormones, which tie into your body! I tried to keep this as simple as possible and stick to the bare minimum, so if you have any questions I suggest you read the book! (which I have a FREE COPY OF, you weenies!)
I truly believe that knowing *why* these things are harmful to your body helps you avoid them. When I was just "eating clean" I could walk by a treat (like a Reese's Egg oh my GOD I have been dying) I'd think to myself, Oh it's just one little treat! I deserve it! But now that I understand what it's doing to my body and my gut, my thinking goes more like, Oh my body would not enjoy that at all.... it deserves better than that! Seriously. It becomes much easier.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
TIL: Why it's not your fault
I've decided that I want this blog to be more helpful to others, not just me. It's been pretty egocentric as of lately, just posting about my experience and my food and blah blah me me me.
While I'm sure that's FASCINATING stuff, I figured I'd spend more time sharing what I'm learning while prepping for the Whole30 on May first. And if I'd like to get really hopeful, I'd like to see if anyone else is interested in joining or at least starting their own journey. These next few weeks I really want to tackle the biological and psychological reasons behind paleo. My psych and bio friends will really enjoy this, I bet! All of my information is cited in It Starts With Food which has tons of empirical and peer-reviewed evidence. Let's get started!
Today I Learned: Why it's not your fault.
The first few chapters I read about today dealt with the psychological loop you're caught in with the modern food industry. This is also explained in Hungry For Change, which is available on Netflix.
To start off, your body and brain have been hardwired to search for three tastes: sweet (a safe source of energy), fatty (a dense source of calories) and salty (a means of conserving fluid). Sound familiar? These are the tastes you're most craving when a desire to binge hits! The problem? The sources we find those tastes in are *not* the natural food we're looking for.
They're found in Oreos, cheesecake, and salty potato chips.
"Well Chrissy, those foods just taste better."
I know.
That's right, I know! That's because they're engineered to be a "supernormal stimulus" which arouses our taste receptors more intensely than anything found in nature. Trippy, huh? So your body thinks it's doing you a favor when it sends you signals to eat more of those foods. The issue? THEY ARE NUTRITIONALLY VOID. You could eat 5,000 calories of Oreos but your body would still be starving.
Right? Poor body. It's so confused! These superstimulus foods tell your brain to release dopamine (neurotransmitter associated with pleasure center [whaddup psych friends!]). Dopamine is responsible for that little rush you get before you even get to your food. In the car, waiting in line to get some Chick-Fil-A... don't tell me you're not excited. Once you unwrap that sandwich and take a bite of it (this is even making ME hungry), your brain releases opioids in the form of endorphins (endorphins make you happy, and happy people don't shoot their husbands)
So those endorphins lower your stress and make you feel gooooood. After a while, this process becomes so hardwired in your brain that a want turns into a need.
How do we fix it? Well, I'm still reading the book and am now on the section of hormones (which I will do another write-up when I have a full comprehension on it) and obviously not anywhere near finished. The Whole30 is supposed to bring back the appreciation of natural tastes and flavors, break the psychological addiction to these Frankenfoods, and bring you back your freedom.
(Again, I must reiterate, the Whole30 is NOT a diet. It is not a "quick fix." It is a jump start into paleo eating and a body reset.)
While I'm sure that's FASCINATING stuff, I figured I'd spend more time sharing what I'm learning while prepping for the Whole30 on May first. And if I'd like to get really hopeful, I'd like to see if anyone else is interested in joining or at least starting their own journey. These next few weeks I really want to tackle the biological and psychological reasons behind paleo. My psych and bio friends will really enjoy this, I bet! All of my information is cited in It Starts With Food which has tons of empirical and peer-reviewed evidence. Let's get started!
Today I Learned: Why it's not your fault.
The first few chapters I read about today dealt with the psychological loop you're caught in with the modern food industry. This is also explained in Hungry For Change, which is available on Netflix.
To start off, your body and brain have been hardwired to search for three tastes: sweet (a safe source of energy), fatty (a dense source of calories) and salty (a means of conserving fluid). Sound familiar? These are the tastes you're most craving when a desire to binge hits! The problem? The sources we find those tastes in are *not* the natural food we're looking for.
They're found in Oreos, cheesecake, and salty potato chips.
"Well Chrissy, those foods just taste better."
I know.
That's right, I know! That's because they're engineered to be a "supernormal stimulus" which arouses our taste receptors more intensely than anything found in nature. Trippy, huh? So your body thinks it's doing you a favor when it sends you signals to eat more of those foods. The issue? THEY ARE NUTRITIONALLY VOID. You could eat 5,000 calories of Oreos but your body would still be starving.
Right? Poor body. It's so confused! These superstimulus foods tell your brain to release dopamine (neurotransmitter associated with pleasure center [whaddup psych friends!]). Dopamine is responsible for that little rush you get before you even get to your food. In the car, waiting in line to get some Chick-Fil-A... don't tell me you're not excited. Once you unwrap that sandwich and take a bite of it (this is even making ME hungry), your brain releases opioids in the form of endorphins (endorphins make you happy, and happy people don't shoot their husbands)
So those endorphins lower your stress and make you feel gooooood. After a while, this process becomes so hardwired in your brain that a want turns into a need.
How do we fix it? Well, I'm still reading the book and am now on the section of hormones (which I will do another write-up when I have a full comprehension on it) and obviously not anywhere near finished. The Whole30 is supposed to bring back the appreciation of natural tastes and flavors, break the psychological addiction to these Frankenfoods, and bring you back your freedom.
(Again, I must reiterate, the Whole30 is NOT a diet. It is not a "quick fix." It is a jump start into paleo eating and a body reset.)
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Do it with me! Whole 30 Prep
"But now my last wish
Is that you do this with me"
(anyone? anyone? I'm hilarious)
Alright, here's you chance: do a Whole30 with me in May!
It'll be easy!
"How??" you may ask? Because I am going to spend the entire month of April preparing. Am I sure what I'm doing yet? Hell no. I am still SO confused on SO much information, hahaha. But I am going to start reading It Starts With Food
This is the book that created the Whole30 program. It promises to reset your digestive tract, change your tastebuds, curb your cravings, and change your life. I have no idea if it's capable of all of that, but I sure as hell am willing to try. I have nothing to lose! And since I'll be starting May 1st, I will be happy and healthy for summer! :) If you have no other reason, then let a bikini body be your motivation! (But seriously, do it for your health).
And you know what the best part is?
Do you?
Someone randomly passed it on to me, and I'm willing to share with my friends. Sisterhood of the traveling book! ..........I'm sorry.
But seriously - I am spending all April reading this book and preparing with the amazing help of Mangia Paleo. I follow her on IG and she is helping myself, and others, prepare for the Whole30 in May. She helps with recipes and a support network, and I fully suggest checking her out! Her IG photos look so tasty >:D
If you're interested in changing your life with me, let me know. I'm so ready to fully dive into the Whole30. Let's do this! Together!!
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