(fun fact: this was actually right after surgery)
I have never been put on bed rest or limited activity since... I broke my arm in like first grade (yeah, I'm still lookin' at you, Kelbye). Trust me, sitting on the couch and sleeping all day was no tough feat.
I got that part down pretty easily. It was the having to get back up and be a part of a society that SUCKED. I honestly don't know if this was hard because of the surgery or if my body is used to being so active. I was also on a great cocktail of heavy drugs for pain and muscle relaxers. After about 4-5 days I finally felt well enough to get up and try and walk around.
Oh. My. God.
Walking around the house winded me. I couldn't make the bed without feeling the need to get back in. I couldn't stay awake long enough to make breakfast. I just didn't eat if I didn't have help from Kevin.
Today was the first day I had left the house since Friday. Yes, Friday the 21st. EIGHT DAYS AGO. Whewwww. We had to do it in bursts. Little errands with breaks back home. Yes, yes, it was inefficient but we got grocery shopping done! I was exhausted but I got it done.
Fast forward a few hours: I even got some work done in my garden. Have no fear! My little plant babies have been properly watered every day since my surgery. That was my one little cardio exercise every day: make it to the backyard, hahaha. But check it out!
My tomato plant has sprouted some babies!
And I planted the remainder of my seed starters :)
AND LOOK AT THAT SEXY FREAKING MINT PLANT. Quick story: for those of you who don't know the unfortunate tale of this Phoenix King Mint Plant.... my mom gave it to me last year and it was doing fine. then I forgot to water it.... a lot.... and it died. OR SO I FREAKIN' THOUGHT. That little bitch started sprouting again! And I went all Eve from Wall-E freaking out that LIFE had somehow found its way into my humble pot and I watered and watered and loved and watched in awe..... then I forgot to water it... a lot... and it died. Again. FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU, FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON ME, LITTLE MINT PLANT..... Finally, I gave it a permanent home (on TOP of the herb garden, like the king he is) and it has been thriving ever since. I am seriously in love with this little mint plant, hahaha.
But man, this left me exhausted. I have finally experienced the "I can't work out because I'm tired, I'm tired because I don't work out" cycle. It sucks. But I promise, I PINKY PROMISE, that if you start to fit in 20-30 minutes of exercise a day, you will feel a million times better. I don't have clearance to work out for another week, but you bet your sweet ass I will be doing yoga and going on walks until then.
Did I let that stop me from making dinner? YEAH RIGHT
We enjoyed some paleo gumbo. The seafood selection was.... different. It contained crab, mussels... squid... octopus.... BUT SHIT, IT WAS $12.73
Not quite as catchy, huh? Anyway, the recipe was simple - throw it in a pot and forget about it for a while. It was alright, but whoever wrote the recipe was obviously not cajun or even from the south. We had to kick up the heat quite a bit and it was still just kinda so-so.
But I made enough for us to have it for 3 nights in a row sooo.....