If you stuck around for the complete blog post last time, you encountered my menstrual monologue, where I expressed my excruciating agony associated with my unruly uterus. ..Anyone else love alliteration?
ANYWAY, after dying at the gym yesterday and ending up in tears, I decided to make those cramps my bitch today. I went running and just told them to suck it.
And honestly? I did feel a bit better. Even though I probably should have worn a snorkeling mask and oxygen tank HOLY HUMIDITY (I seriously cannot stop with the alliteration).
Lunch was another lovely adult lunchable
Alright, so technically tonight was supposed to be a crockpot meal. Toss some veggies and stock in the pot and toss the bird on top. Cook on low for 4 hours.
Uhhh.... a whole chicken? On low? Yeahhhhh I ended up tossing that salmonella farm in an "oven safe" pan (that smells like cancer when it gets above 350 degrees) to let it finish. It still turned out great!
I blended all the leftover veggies for "paleo gravy" and uhhhhh
It ended up looking like baby vomit. But it tasted much better! (I'd imagine) We sauteed some spinach and made another bowl of faux-tatoes (which I love).
I think it turned out great! I've been saving all my bones and organs and hope to make some bone broth soon. Apparently that shit is like the elixir of life or something. Paleo peeps seem obsessed.
AND FINALLY: my second nature box arrived. *sigh* I guess I wasn't paying much attention to what I picked (it was weeks ago) but nearly none of it is Paleo-friendly.
It's all gluten-free and junk but it still has grains I shouldn't be eating (oatmeal, rice flour, etc.). I've given a few bags to Kevin and will save a few for the occasional treat :)
I ordered:
- Masa crisps (corn/grain)
- Peppery chickpeas (legume)
- Peppery chickpeas (legume)
- Cherry ganach granola (oats, sugar)
- Peppery potato fries (potatoes, rice)
- Umami almonds (soy)
- Vegetable chips (soy)
I'll probably just cancel it. I enjoy my fresh fruit and veggie as a snack anyway!
And finally, I've received a lot of messages asking for help, general questions, and even just "keep it up!" messages. They are so great! Thanks, you guys. I'm not getting a whole lot of support on this so every bit means a lot to me :)