Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 2/Am I dead yet?

I promise that eventually, this won't be a daily thing.  I just have too much magical, marvelous junk to share!  Like how I woke up this morning feeling like a character from Katy Perry's Last Friday Night

Yuuuup.  I woke up legitimately wondering if I drank alcohol the night before, and if I was hungover.  Before you start snickering to yourself that this style of eating is actually hurting me, let me share with you the Whole 30 timeline first (which I am not following, however).

Days 2-3: The Hangover.
It is definitely true that the amount of suck you experience in this phase is directly proportional to the amount of crap you consumed before you began the program. This, my friends, is completely normal. Your body is working its way through a whole host of junk it stored from the foods (or food-like-products) you used to eat. 

Welppppppp.  That explained it.  I was a little shocked, to be honest.  I was eating clean 80% of the time! (or so I told myself)  Okay, okay... maybe I went on a slight farewell binge on things like Gardettos, Cookies, and all the fabulous treats at the parties I went to on Saturday.  But those were short term!  What's the deal?!

The deal is that even while "eating clean" I still had a ton of junk/processed food.  The fact that I felt so horrible this morning makes me feel like the food I was eating regularly really was affecting me in ways of which I was previously unaware.  

So I made a little vom-pot (big stew pot lined with trash bag and some paper towels) and carted it into the kitchen with me while I made breakfast.  It was tough, and took twice as long because I had to keep dashing back to the bathroom (I was afraid of throwing up in a pot in the kitchen.... germs).  But eventually, I finished breakfast!  (And I made enough for the rest of the week)

I don't know what made them rise and become so... bulbous-y but I like it!  They're egg muffins wrapped in prosciutto stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, coconut milk, and flax seed meal.  I don't know which part is responsible, but they tasted so buttery.  IT WAS AWESOME.

After breakfast (which also included a banana and some cherry tomatoes), I just took it easy.  I was still feeling pretty nauseous and occasionally dry-heaving.  But by the time lunch rolled around, I was feeling better!  So I prepped my second lunch of the week (I only have two, calm down).  Greek Salad

This was actually one of my favorite salad combinations before Paleo, I just left out the feta cheese.  I make a lot of salads (with protein, of course) for lunch since I don't normally have access to a microwave at work.  Threw together a homemade vinaigrette and ta-da!  Salad for the week.

By this point, I was finally feeling like myself again (except for a bad headache, but I can handle that).  And do you know what myself does? COOKS MORE THINGS.  I needed a recipe for a bar that I could eat after work/pre workout.  I obviously didn't need a lot more protein, but definitely something to put a skip in my step before I hit the gym (after spending 8 hours yelling at/entertaining teenagers).  

Fruit and nut bars!  These were actually pretty cheap and easy to make.  I bought all the ingredients at the bulk section in Kroger so I got just as many as I needed.  Took about five minutes, no joke.  And they taste so good!  Just like the protein bars I used to waste money on :D 

And that wraps it up for cooking today.  After I made the bars I managed to drag myself to the gym (if you're curious, this is this week's workout, plus 30 minutes of strength after).  Honestly, working out normally cures any feelings of fatigue or agitation.  For anyone who says they're too tired after work to hit the gym, just try it for a week or two.  It honestly pumps me back up to tackle the things I have to do in the evening at home.  

However, tonight is just leftovers, and I am SO okay with that. 

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