Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 5/Update all the things!

(If you're here for the food, just scroll to the bottom, haha)
Alright, day 5.  So far, so good!

My digestive system is still kind of iffy and I'm having occasional cramping, but honestly?  What else is new.  Actually.... I did discover something new.  For the past 8 weeks or so, I have been (unsuccessfully) battling some tummy fluff and love handles.  While actively losing weight has not been my goal in God only knows how long, I have been working on lowering body fat/toning up all over the place.  I work out as much as I comfortably can, and followed (what I thought was) a clean eating plan.  After just four days of eating Paleo, I noticed a HUGE decrease in the bloating around my lower stomach and love handle area

Whaaaat?  'Cause let's be honest here, I have been eating many more calories than I used to (I'm just guesstimating.  I don't want to know how many I'm eating, hahaha).  I'm eating three big meals a day with some snacks.  And I feel great about it!  I remember reading once somewhere that once you go Paleo, you don't have to worry about tracking or counting calories because you're just simply eating *real food* and your body will know how to deal.  Hopefully this keeps going!

Also today, I re-watched Hungry for Change for the umpteenth time

If you haven't watched this film yet, GO DO IT.  It's on Netflix, and it will change your life.  It walks you through all the chemical and psychological explanations of the traps our food industry sets.  It touches on things like diet soda, children's school lunches, juicing, and all sorts of other stuff.  Don't let it overwhelm you and give you this "oh god I'm doing everything wrong with my life."  Just watch it, let it sink it, and watch it again in a month, haha.  I love it. 


So yesterday I got reminded: I f*cking hate scrambled eggs.  I don't know why I thought mini frittatas for 6 days straight was a good idea, but I know now that I will never make any time of make-ahead frittata ever again.  I had a smoothie instead, packed with a frozen banana, coconut milk (the full fat kind from a can, yummm), nut butter and some other tasty junk.

I worked a full day and brought more salad!  And a little baby cup of nut butter with raisins and cut up celery to make ants on a log, TO GO.  I'm an adult.

so exciting

Went about my day, went for my run, came home and watched Hungry for Change while trying to not pass out.  As I was getting ready for supper, I noticed I was missing a few ingredients.  You know what that means?  


(I pooped today). 
Short mini rant:  I was using the self-checkout and I was entering in some veggies and this girl just like... yells random codes at me because ~she knows them so well~ AND THEY WERE ALL WRONG.  These are shallots, not garlic, you uneducated swine.  If I wanted someone to enter my veggie codes for me, I would've gone through the regular checkout.  You can biggoty back up right about now.

Then dinner! So easy.  Just some onions and leeks with chicken plopped on top.  Badda bing badda boom it's done. 

We had this with some roasted asparagus and a warm walnut and green bean salad.  I'm working on a bunch of stuff this weekend that I'm super excited to share with everyone!

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