Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 1/Meal Prep

Sunday is most certainly not Fun Day for me.  Way before any of these Paleo shenanigans, Sundays were always my day for meal prep.  I'd make whatever I was eating for breakfast and lunch for the entireeeeee week.  It's a little time-consuming, but it saves countless hours later in the week.  Working full days, all I have to do is throw my lunch in my (adorable) lunch bag!

And since Saturdays are my only real rest days, I choose Saturday to be my gym rest day as well. Which means that not only was I slaving away in the freakin' kitchen all day, but I also went running today!  With my favorite running partner <3

(how does he never get tomato face?!)

Alright, alright.  Enough of the mushy bullcrap and (HILARIOUS) gifs.  Down to food!  Since I hadn't done any meal prep for breakfast, I needed something easy.  I also didn't want to use a million dishes since I would be creating quite the mess.  So?  Two ingredient pancakes!

I've heard of a lot of people having trouble making these.  The batter is VERY thin and runny (I used to add 1/3 cup of oats before the Paleo adventure).  You have to cook it low and slow, for a pretty long time.  It's easy, but time consuming due to the fact that you can't even touch 'em for nearly 10 minutes.  I cut up some strawberries (two servings of fruit already, holla) and topped with some almond butter.  Only because I realized that peanut butter is not paleo friendly..

Then came the hourssss of meal prep.  I probably could have gotten it done more efficiently, but I didn't really put a lot of thought into it, haha.  I started off by marinating the chicken thighs for dinner

Mmmmm, tasty, eh?  Jk, they look like my dog vomited on them.  This was right before the oven, but you get the general idea.  These will be turned into Asian Chicken Thighs.  After that, I started working on my Paleo mayonnaise.  I know. 

But honestly, it wasn't so bad.  However... I have decided that I definitely need a standing mixer.  This was too big a pain in the butt for a condiment that I don't even like, haha.  But it turned out fine!  I used it for a Paleo madras chicken salad.  It was great!

(Have I mentioned that I'm addicted to nut butters?)

ALRIGHT, THE PIECE DE RESISTANCE: dinner.  Oh lawd, dinner.  It was SO good!  And really easy.  Honestly, the damn chicken salad took up most of the day, hahaha.  I marinated the chicken thighs at lunch, and popped 'em in the oven for nearly an hour before dinner.  In that time, I assembled the Hot & Sour Slaw and chopped up some broccoli to roast.  When the chicken was done, I tossed the slaw with the dressing (which is fab) and chunked the broccoli in the oven for about 10 minutes.  Then voila!  Dinner is done. 

Kevin gobbled it up and gave his seal of approval.  Best part?  This makes 4 servings, so dinner is done for tomorrow.  Leftovers rule!  Day 1: done. 

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