Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week One: Completed. Where's my damn energy?

Seriously.  A huge perk of paleo is supposed to be all this limitless energy.

Soo.... where is it?  I consulted my Whole30 timeline (which, reminder, I am not following the Whole30 program) which reminded me that it's totally normal to be tired around this marker.  The unlimited powah should show up anywhere from day 15 to day 26


Well I still managed to drag my ass around the kitchen and get TONS of prep done.

Started with breakfast

Breakfast sausage meatlof with a fried egg on top with cherry tomatoes!

Then I moved on to stuff I'd be packing for lunch:

Boiled some eggs, made more Paleo mayo, made more protein bars, homemade raw applesauce, and brownie bites :) I'm having old-school lunches this week with tons of snacks and these are the ones I made!  The rest are fruits and veggies.

This left me with about an hour or so of free time before making dinner.  I know it seems like I spend a lot of time prepping, and it's because I do.  I spend nearly my entire Sunday prepping for the entire week.  But you know what?  That extra time I spend today keeps me from needing to rely of fast food later in the week.  I fully believe that I save SO much money by never eating out during the week.  Kevin and I only go out once a week, normally lunch on Saturday so we can get lunch specials :)  With how much I cook, there's really no reason to go out.

Okay.  Food.

Cottage Pie with shredded Brussels sprouts.  Apparently shepherd's pie has lamb and beef, farmer's pie has chicken or something, and cottage pie has just beef?  Whatever, this is just beef.

But it was sooooooo good.  


Oh.  My.  God.  I'm surprised I got anything done today, real talk.  I just wanted to roll around on the floor and pity myself.  Or call an ambulance, because I'm sure it's not healthy to have several baby alligators who are on fire try and claw their way through my uterus with dull spoons that are also on fire.

"oh it's not that bad"

I always have bad cramps, but these took the cake.  And speaking of which, that is ALL I FREAKING WANT.  And I'm not about to go spend $50 on "paleo-fied" baking ingredients (i.e. almond flour, coconut sugar, etc.).  So what's a girl to do?


These actually hit the spot, weirdly enough.  There's only a handful of ingredients and took about 5 minutes, haha.  I'm thinking as a treat or gift, I should melt a bunch of paleo-friendly dark chocolate and dip them and make little paleo truffles for someone.  THAT WOULD BE REAL LOVE.

Another thing I do for cramps: yoga.  Yoga all the damn time.  I know it's hard to get up and move while bleeding all over the place and wanting to murder everything in sight and simultaneously wish that it would tell you that you're pretty, but movement helps.

I felt a million times better while stretching, and immediately worse once I stopped.  "just keep doing yoga for about 3-5 days, babe.  I'm sure you'll be fine" - Kevin.

............Somebody's not getting any f*cking brownie bites.

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