Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 14! Running, parties, and groceries.

Man oh man!  What a busy week it's been.  I'm proud to say that I've made it to day 14, two weeks without dairy, gluten, or soy :)

And honestly, I don't feel deprived.  I don't feel frustrated, and I don't feel many cravings (although the brownie bites helped).  According to the Whole30 Timeline I should be somewhere between Give Me A Damn Twinkie and Tiger Blood (hell yeah).  As I said before, I don't really have many cravings.  However, my energy levels have totally been up!  I remember when I used to search for a place to sleep during my conference periods, hahaha.  Now I can plow through my entire day and my workout afterward and still feel great!

Speaking of workouts, I have a running question: how the eff do you run in the cold?

Seriously.  I went running while it was still a bit chilly ( the 50's.  Yes, northerner friends, you may laugh) and it was my worst run yet.  Breathing through my nose burns my nostrils and it's hard for me to get enough air and I just feel weighed down.  Any pointers?

It probably also did not help that I was wearing enough clothes (shorts, sweatpants, shirt, and jacket) to look like a cross between Sarah Connor in the mental institute and a 90's soccer mom

I also received an invite to my baby cousin's birthday party!  If you didn't already know, I am IN LOVE with this kid, to the moon and back twice.  

He is my favorite baby (sorry mama friends).  He is so funny and smart and a big ol' sweetheart!  I don't see him as often as I'd like so I'm throwing together a kick ass birthday present (to be revealed later!).

Howeverrrrrr.... it doesn't take a scientist to realize that kids' birthday parties + Paleo eater = big ol' mess.  I've come to realize that this isn't like my "clean eating" days when I could stray on the weekends and recover the next day.  Eating something as simple as a single Oreo throws me into horrible digestive upset.

It sucks, but I feel like it really validates everything I'm eating.  But I have a plan! I'd like to make a Paleo dessert that I can bring with me to share, but also so I'll have something that I'm able to eat there.  I'll also have to pack a lunch to eat afterward, but it's worth it to see my favorite little dude!

And finally, today was grocery daaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Om nom nom.  I love grocery day!  I also clean out our fridge before loading all this stuff up and make sure everything is nice and organized :)

This week:
- Salmon kebabs with eggplant stew and tomato basil salad
- Beef mushroom lettuce cups with cabbage and brocooli
- Spicy tuna cakes with sweet potato biscuits and green beans

I also went shopping for plants with my mom!  We got a ton of stuff and I got my garden set up and (most of it) planted.

I am so excited to see how it goes!  I can't wait to have fresh (free) fruits and veggies.  I'll be working on my strawberry planter and herb garden tomorrow.  Prepare to be bombarded :)

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