Sunday, March 2, 2014

Day 15 More Gardening and Prep!

Sunday Funday! AKA Sunday No-Fun-At-All-Because-I'm-Up-To-My-Eyeballs-In-Crap

me on Sunday mornings

I started my day with a big stack of 2-ingredient pancakes

People always complain that they can't get these to work, but honestly they're so easy and a freakin' staple in my breakfast routine.  I slathered on some homemade almond butter and cooked blueberries.  

**Sidenote** It is SO easy to make your own nut butters, guys.  Especially if you have a food processor.  Just get some dry roasted nuts of your choosing (don't get the salted kind - you can add your own salt later) and just throw them in there!  Let it run for 5-10 minutes.  It'll go through different stages until VOILA!  Almond butter.  Still warm.  Mmmmmmm.  

Then I headed out to Home Depot for some more planting shit.  When I stepped outside, it was a little cool, but no need for a jacket.  So I put on flip flops. 

By the time I got to the freakin' gas station, it had dropped by nearly ten degrees. 


So I show up at Home Depot lookin' like a crazy hot mess (or freezing mess) in my ripped jeans and flip flops.  After running MORE ERRANDS IN FLIP FLOPS I finally made it home for meal prep. 

Unf.  I literally just cooked an entire package of bacon for the week, hahaha.  I buy uncured bacon now and I kind of prefer it!  Easy switch. 

Also, I made chia seed pudding!  Chia seeds are a neat little superfood.  When mixed with liquids, they turn into gel!  

 (Right after mixing)
(An hour after mixing)

What does this mean health-wise?  When they turn into a gel, chia seeds will cling to bile salts (into which the liver has dumped toxins) and other things in your digestive track and help remove them for you!  They're great, I love 'em.  Start slowly though, they make you poop! 

I also prepped for breakfast this week, nothing fancy, just some shredded sweet potatoes

The plan is to fry 'em in a pan for a few minutes and then fry an egg to slide on top!  It sounds super good so here's hoping that it turns out well tomorrow morning when I'm in crunch time to get to work :P 

There was more meal prep, but I won't bore you with the details (I'm sure I already have).  But I set up my herb garden! 

It's currently sitting in the garage thanks to this unprecedented freeze.  Hmph. But I'm glad to have gotten it started!  The two extra tall empty boxes are for things like green onions that will grow taller.  I still have to build my strawberry planter too, WHEW. 

Finally: dinner. 

Yerm.  Salmon with lemon kabobs.  Sooo easy.  I got the recipe from SkinnyTaste!  I've recommended that website to a few of you if you're just starting out with a diet overhaul.  She still uses bread and dairy and all the naughty things I've cut out, so don't fret :P  But her recipes are always very tasty and budget friendly.

I haven't really been bothering to share photos of our meals because frankly... they've been kind of ugly, haha.  I thought tonight's dinner looked more pleasant with the bright tomatoes and basil and cilantro on the eggplant stew.  Pretty or not, it's always delicious. 

And that wraps it up for Sunday Not-So-Funday! 

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